Source code for gmeterpy.corrections.fsol

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Correction due to the finite speed of light for absolute gravimeters.

This module contatins functions for calculation of the correction due to the
finite speed of light to the free-fall absolute gravity measurements.
It is also known as a Doppler-shift correction.


import gmeterpy.units as u
import gmeterpy.constants as const

[docs]@u.quantity_input(gravity=u.m / u.s**2, initial_velocity=u.m / u.s, drop_duration=u.s) def finite_speed_of_light_correction(gravity, initial_velocity, drop_duration, beam_splitter_above=False, schema='est'): r"""Correction due to the finite speed of light. This is the correction due to the finite speed of light either for levels equally spaced in time (EST) or in distance (ESD). Parameters ---------- gravity : ~astropy.units.Quantity Gravity from the solution of free fall equation. initial_velocity : ~astropy.units.Quantity Initial velocity of the drop. drop_duration : ~astropy.units.Quantity Drop duration. beam_splitter_above : bool, optional Indicates whether beam splitter positioned above (True) or below (False) the test body. Default is False. schema : {'est', 'esd'}, optional Controls what kind of schema is used in gravimeter. * 'est' for multi-levels equally spaced in time. * 'esd' for multi-levels equally spaced in distance. Default is `est`. Returns ------- fsol: ~astropy.units.Quantity Correction due to the finite speed of light. Notes ----- The correction due to the finite speed of light for levels equally spaced in time (EST) equals [1]_: .. math:: \Delta g = \pm\dfrac{3}{c} g_0 (v_0 + \dfrac{1}{2} g_0 * T) where :math:`c` is the speed of light, :math:`g_0,v_0` are the gravity value and initial velocity derived from the solution of free fall equation, :math:`T` is the drop duration. The upper or lower sign before the equation corresponds to the beam splitter positioned above or below the test body, respectively. For other schemas see the reference article [1]_. Reference --------- .. [1] Nagornyi VD, Zanimonskiy YM, Zanimonskiy YY (2011) Correction due to the finite speed of light in absolute gravimeters. Metrologia 48:101–113. doi: 10.1088/0026-1394/48/3/004 """ sign = 1 if beam_splitter_above else -1 T = drop_duration g0 = gravity v0 = initial_velocity if schema == 'est': c1 = 0.5 * T elif schema == 'esd': c1_u = T * (4 * g0**3 * T**3 + 45 * g0**2 * T**2 * v0 + 108 * g0 * T * v0**2 + 70 * v0**3) c1_d = 7 * (g0**3 * T**3 + 12 * g0**2 * T**2 * v0 + 30 * g0 * T * v0**2 + 20 * v0**3) c1 = c1_u / c1_d else: raise ValueError('{} is not valid schema'.format(schema)) fsol = sign * 3 * g0 / const.c * (v0 + g0 * c1) return fsol